You Must Be Strong to be Vulnerable

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Vulnerability means not knowing where you'll end up, but taking the the adventure anyway. Vulnerability means you'll get hurt on occasion. Vulnerability means you're raw with conviction. 

But it's worth it. Every time I have pulled back the curtain and shown who I really am and what I'm really thinking, I get an honest response from others. It may not be the reaction I was hoping for, but I've always learned something new. 

Some of the strongest people I know ignore their fears so that they can be vulnerable. They share themselves with the world out of necessity, out of a need for growth, out of knowing no other way to live. I admire and aspire to do the same. It's the only why I know how to practice yoga, to teach and to make art.

In this world, we need more. The more open and honest we are with each other, the more we will know ourselves. 


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